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The ABX take on advertising
ABX Research and Analysis on Compelling Advertising
Read on to get a competitive edge in creating effective ad.

Hard Proof: Creative in Advertising Drives Sales
Highly creative ads have doubled the sales impact of those that are less creative, and advertising creative drives sales 5x as much as media spend. Two break-through studies show the truth of these claims with hard data. Creativity in Advertising:...
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How is Speed Changing Ad Creative Testing?
Today's interview with J.J. Klein, ABX Chairman, and Gary Getto, ABX President, focuses on how speed is changing the copy testing paradigm. Four real-life examples of how copy testing in 24 hours made a huge difference for major brands are included. Legacy...
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Should I Look at Faster, Lower Cost Options to Advertising Testing?
Taking a break from our "Data-Driven KPIs" series, today's post gets practical for those making decisions about what types of advertising effectiveness measurement is best for them. A recent chat with J.J. Klein, ABX Chairman, and Gary Getto, ABX President, shows when...
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Can you Find the Waste in your Advertising Spend?
"Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don't know which half." John Wanamaker. Today's post is written by guest-blogger, Michael Wolfe, CEO of Bottom-Line Analytics. Identifying Poor Creative is Critical to Managing your Advertising Spend Most...
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Competitive Intelligence for Fast Food: Subway’s New Ad Look
Subway’s back, with gusto! Of ABX’s Top Ads of the Previous Week, Subway scored #1 in three of the five media types tested by ABX each week – Television, Internet and Out-of-Home. Relating to its slogan, “Founded on Fresh,” the highly effective...
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Advertising Effectiveness for McDonald’s: Hashbrowns or Hashtags?
Does Social Media Integrations Always Produce Higher Advertising Effectiveness Scores? Breakfast All Day advertising scores were strong enough to help McDonald’s creative effectiveness make a comeback! While these scores were higher, they also showed considerable variation due to creative differences. ...
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