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Advantages of Adding ABX’s Global Syndicated Platform to Your Current Tools

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Do you know how all your in-market ad campaigns are performing?

For many marketers, they may conduct pre-tests of their ads prior to launch and use trackers once launched into the marketplace. But neither of these methods compare the creative effectiveness of all their ads against their competitors’ and other in-market ads across all media types and channels on a continuous basis.

Consumers don’t see your ads in a siloed environment, why should you?

The ABX Creative Feedback Loop™ gives your team the real time information they need to improve your advertising creative effectiveness and ROAS.

Imagine being able to measure your complete creative effectiveness footprint against competitors in all media types/channels such as TV, Radio, Print, Digital, Social, Online Video, Outdoor, Cinema, FSI, Podcasts, Short-Form Mobile, Product Placement/Integration and more.

Then, imagine you can see at a glance how your creative is performing across all variables that are benchmarked against a normative database of 400,000+ in-market ads tested-to-date, and with thousands more tested every week. With an identical methodology used to measure the effectiveness for every media type, this integrated, single solution enables you to identify insights impossible to find before now.

Don’t need Global data? The syndicated platform also provides options for you to see any media type you want in Local, DMA, City, Region, Country, and Territory.

Why measure all my in-market ads against my competitors and other in-market ads? Isn’t it sufficient to just measure the TV and Online Video?

Maybe Not.

Take a quick look at the study to the right, which compares measuring ONLY TV/Online Video versus measuring ALL Media Types in all channels. This study is based on US advertising data for a global retail and entertainment company, and includes TV, Radio, Print, Digital, Online Video, Outdoor, Cinema, FSI and Mobile.

For less complexity, we’ve limited the comparison to the most important metrics that include the ABX Index, Reputation, Purchase Intent and Any Call To Actions (Contact, Web, Recommend, Talk About, etc.). For just TV/Online Video, we tested 255 in-market ads. For All Media Types, we tested 800. The Average ABX Index = 100.

In the chart above, we see how metrics for TV/Online Video are considerably higher than the scores for “All Ads,” except for the “Any Action” KPI, which reverses the picture. We can learn a lot from this simple study, but here are key insights:

Your target audience sees your creative in various media and forms opinions based on a total media footprint. Look at the Reputation score: you may think your Reputation is great viewing only a few media types, but it is actually lower in All Ads.

Look at the holistic picture and then study the individual media type scores, to see critical insights on exactly where improvements must be made to affect your advertising strategy and ROAS.

Get an Affordable, Always On Solution

ABX’s Global Multimedia/Multichannel Syndicated Platform is literally always on, delivering dramatically faster results at far less cost. Whether you choose to test all of your ads (at level of finish) and those of your competitors, or whether you just need certain Media Types, ABX provides exactly what right for you. The program includes:

  • Results in 24 – 48 hours on the ABX Ad Explorer dashboard, through alerts, or in full report form.
  • Multimedia/Multichannel advertising measurement including digital, social, print, television, radio, OOH, FSIs, in-store signage, product placement/integration, mobile radio and podcasts, and more.
  • Measurement in Local, DMA, City, Region, Country, Territory or Global as needed.
  • Client and competitor results covering a vast array of industries and more than 100,000 brands.
  • Creative brainstorming from 400,000+ benchmarked in-market ads, the largest creative effectiveness database in the world.
  • Data available by Category, Brand, Product, Media Type, Competitive Set and Population Group (such as your Target Audience)
  • The new ABX Social Sensitivity Metrics for Multicultural, Diversity & Inclusion, Sustainability and Faith. In addition, you can readily access the industry Gold Standard ABX Gender Equality Index (GEI) ™, which was adopted by the ANA and SeeHer as their “Gender Equality Measure®”.

As the ONLY Global Cross-Channel Syndicated platform, ABX gives you the ability to benchmark your work.


Using the same methodology for TV, Radio, Print, Digital, Social, Online Video, Outdoor, Cinema, FSI, Podcasts, Short-Form Mobile, Product Placement/Integration, and more.


ABX Index™ is based on Category and Brand creative from countries covering about 90% of global ad spend. This allows our ad performance metrics to be more reliable and projectable.


A daily flow of data with ongoing alerts and customizable results available in 24-48 hours allows for continuous ROAS improvement versus benchmarking upfront and judging results after the fact.


From City, State, DMA, Region, Country, or Custom Areas.

To learn more about how ABX’s Global Syndicated Platform can help you, CONTACT US HERE.

ABX Advertising Benchmark Index (, is a techno-research company focused on driving ROAS & ROI through their Global Integrated Single Solution.  Marketers, through the ABX Global Multimedia/Multi Channel Platform, are able to evaluate the effectiveness of all their creative and copy across all media types and channels, and against their competitors’ and other ads, representing approximately 90% of global ad spend.

Our solutions are designed by the Visionaries, Inventors, and Pioneers and inventors who helped create the methodologies used by legacy marketing research firms. Need something not listed on our site? Other valuable consumer data is also available for making informed, time-sensitive business decisions.